Jumat, 10 Februari 2012

differences between sign, oral, and written language

Joy (2012) : Oral language involves both speaking and listening, or expressive and receptive language. It is a process whose development requires social interaction. Early communication between infants and caregivers involves gestures, facial expressions and cries.
Oral language is the base on which the other language arts develop.
So, the oral language is spoken aspect of language that can be heard, interpreted, and understood

wikipedia.org  (2012) : A sign language (also signed language) is a language which, instead of acoustically conveyed sound patterns, uses visually transmitted sign patterns (manual communication, body language) to convey meaning—simultaneously combining hand shapes, orientation and movement of the hands, arms or body, and facial expressions to fluidly express a speaker's thoughts. Wherever communities of deaf people exist, sign languages develop. Their complex spatial grammars are markedly different from the grammars of spoken languages.[1][2] Hundreds of sign languages are in use around the world and are at the cores of local deaf cultures. Some sign languages have obtained some form of legal recognition, while others have no status at all.
For example, when they want to say “two” they will use two fingers.  

wikipedia.org  (2012) : A written language is the representation of a language by means of a writing system. Written language is an invention in that it must be taught to children, who will instinctively learn or create spoken or gestural languages.[citation needed]
A written language exists only as a complement to a specific spoken or gestural language, and no natural language is purely written. Written language is an easy way to enhance the inheritance of culture, standards and uniformity, to accumulate and bequeath knowledge and skills and the profit is belonging and the realization of accomplishment.

So, the differences among them are, if Oral communication uses words with fewer syllables than the written language, the sentences are shorter, and self-referencing pronouns.   Oral communication also allows incomplete sentences if delivered properly, and many sentences will begin with "and," "but," and "except." Then the written language is the complete sentence and in correct grammar. And then, Writing is a fairly static form of transfer.   But, Speaking is a dynamic transfer of information. But, if sign language is a language that use symbols to say something without sounds. They usually use their fingers, arms, head, and body.


Joy, Katlyn. 2012. Oral Language Development Reading. Available on:    http://www.ehow.com/about_6395103_oral-language-development-reading_.html. Accessed on 10th  February 2012.

wikipedia.org. 2012. Sign Language. Available on:    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sign_language. Accessed on 10th  February 2012.

wikipedia.org. 2012. Written Language.  Available on: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Written_language. Accessed on 10th  February 2012.

1 komentar:

  1. not so informative, can you add more contents.(kind suggestion)
